February 2023


In competitive sports, doping is the use of banned athletic performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs) by athletes, as a way of cheating. As stated in the World Anti-Doping Code by WADA, doping is defined as the occurrence of one or more of the anti-doping rule violations outlined in Article 2.1 through Article 2.11 of the Code.1 The...
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The major route for stanozolol metabolism is shown in the vertical pathway of Figure 2B, along with the sample treatment required to detect metabolites by the time-tested gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS)3. However, stanozolol produces another metabolite in smaller amounts called 17-epi-stanozolol-N-glucuronide, shown in the horizontal pathway of Figure 2B. This metabolite is long-lived and can...
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I notice that it’s especially effective in longer-duration sports and activities. Colostrum’s so effective that, although it’s incredibly safe, some sporting bodies have banned it to “keep the playing field even”. Like a pure essential amino acids supplement, protein provides the amino needed to build and repair muscle. And it’s terrible for certain people who...
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Further, interventions that provide personalized feedback in the absence of individual clinician contact have also been shown to be efficacious at impacting substance use (Miller et al., 2013). A handful of studies have examined the efficacy of motivational enhancing interventions specifically among athletes, with promising results. For example, in one study, Martens and colleagues (2010)...
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