Teaching and Support Staff

  1. Admission to the staff for any program conducted in the College shall be granted by providing 50% concessions in Tuition Fees. Necessary concession shall be granted for attending/ providing extra Lectures and Practical’s.
  2. The wards of the staff shall be admitted @ 50% concessions in Tuition Fees.
  3. The teaching and support staff after completing 5 years of service, shall be granted an interest free advance against salary to the extent of 25% of the annual salary (30% in case of woman employees) for any of the following reasons: –
    1. Higher education of self or Children.
    2. Medical treatment of self or family members.
    3. Purchase of Residential House.
    4. Marriage of Self or wards.
    5. Attending any Conferences at Foreign Universities.
    6. Purchase of Vehicle for daily commuting.
  4. The advance shall be recoverable in 10 equal installments.
  5. Reimbursement of the Fees along with TA shall be granted for attending Research Conclaves.
  6. Teachers are allowed to become member of any of the Professional Bodies of Academic Interest. Such Membership Fees shall be reimbursed by the College.
  7. The College shall reimburse an amount of membership fees paid by staff members to acquire life or yearly membership of the libraries for books related to academic field.
  8. Staff participative Medical insurance shall be provided to interested staff.
  9. Preventive medical checkups shall be arranged periodically.
  10. Staff bringing laurels to the Institution shall be felicitated suitably.
  11. Special leave shall be granted for notified Medication or Higher Education.
  12. Residential quarters shall be provided to needy Staff.


  • An application duly signed by the staff shall be mailed to the Principal.
  • The Principal shall recommend the same to the Management for due consideration.
  • Chairman of the College Development Committee is authorized in this regard.