BA.MMC (Bachelors in Arts, Multimedia and Mass Communication)

Program Outcome

The benefits of undertaking BA in Multimedia and Mass Communication (BAMMC) degree are that-


  • The program considers media industries and their relationship to culture and society, and the understanding of how communication works. The program emphasizes the development of critical thinking, professional writing skills and effective oral communication.
  • The Communication and Media Studies major prepares students for a wide variety of careers in business and industry, advertising, public relations and journalism, or advanced study.
  • This program will equip the learners with professional skills essential for making career in Entertainment industry, Cinema, Television, OTT Platforms, social media platforms etc.
  • Students would demonstrate the ability to apply rhetorical principles in a variety of creative, cinematic, organizational, professional and journalistic venues.
  • Knowledge, skills, and values that prepare them for future careers in our interconnected society, whether in mass media or advanced study
  • Learners would develop a global awareness of political, social and corporate issues influenced by communication sensitivity and skills.
  • Learners will understand mass media as a system of interrelated forces, including historical foundations, technological advances, economic dynamics, regulatory constraints, and ethical concerns.
  • This programme will also give them an improved sense of self-confidence and self-efficacy and an awareness of their responsibilities as professionals in their field
  • Learners will be able to create and design emerging media products, including blogs, digital audio, digital video, social media, digital photography, and multimedia.
  • They will be better equipped to grasp the complex relationship between communication/media theories and a diverse set of individual, social, and professional practices.
  • Learners will understand the underlying philosophical assumptions of, and be able to apply, communication research methods to address a range of media texts and audiences, production and technological practices, and relevant social issues.
  • Learners will comprehend the foundations, process, and practices of writing for and about the media, and demonstrate proficiency in writing across platforms.
  • Learners will be able to conceptualize, design, and produce one or more works in media based on effective principles and practices of media aesthetics for a target audience.
  • Learners will acquire the knowledge and skills required to pursue a career in the specialization of their choice.
After Completing BA in Multimedia and Mass Communication (BAMMC) Course Students are able to:
  1. To make the graduating learnerss proficient in the courses under the programm.
  2. To provide thorough understanding of media industries and their relationship with culture and society, and the understanding of how communication works.
  3. To equip the learners with professional skills essential for making career in Entertainment industry, Cinema, Television, OTT Platforms.

Semester Subjects

Semester 1

  1. History of Media
  2. Visual Communication
  3. Fundamentals of Mass Communication
  4. Effective Communication – I
  5. Foundation Course – I
  6. Current Affairs

Semester 2

  1. Introduction to Journalism
  2. Introduction to Advertising
  3. Content Writing
  4. Effective Communication – II
  5. Foundation Course – II
  6. Media Gender and Culture

Semester 3

1. Theatre & Mass Communication – I
2. Corporate Communications and Public Relations
3. Introduction to Media Studies
4. Introduction to Photography
5. Film communication – I
6. Computer Multimedia -I

Semester 4

1. Theatre & Mass Communication – II
2. Writing and Editing for Media
3. Mass Media research
4. Media laws and ethics
5. Film communication – II
6. Computer Multimedia – II

Semester 5 (Advertising)

1. Copywriting
2. Advertising & Marketing Research
3. Agency Management
4. Social Media Marketing
5. Consumer Behaviour
6. Brand Building

Semester 5 (Journalism)

1. Investigative Journalism
2. Reporting
3. Mobile Journalism & New Media
4. Writing & Editing for Media
5. Journalism and Public Opinion
6. Feature & Writing For Social Justice

Semester 6 (Advertising)

1. Digital Media
2. Advertising Design
3. Advertising in Contemporary Society
4. Brand Management
5. Media Planning and Buying
6. Advertising and Sales Promotion

Semester 6 (Journalism)

1. Digital Media
2. Newspaper & Magazine Journalism
3. Contemporary Issues
4. Lifestyle Journalism
5. Crime Reporting
6. Television Journalism

Course Outcome






Semester I




























Effective Communication – I

To make the students aware of functional and operational use of language in media

To equip or enhance students with structural and analytical reading writing and thinking skills

To introduce key concepts of communications






History Of Media

Learner will be able to understand media history through key events in the cultural history

To enable the learner to understand the major developments in media history

To understand the values that shaped and continued to influence Indian mass media

To understand the history and role of professionals in shaping communications

Learner will develop the ability to think and analyze about media

To sharpen the reading, writing, speaking and listening skills that will help the students to understand the development of media




Fundamentals of Mass Communication

To introduce students to the history, evolution and the development of mass communication in the world with special reference to India

To study the evolution of Mass Media as an important social institution

To understand the development of Mass Communication models

To develop a critical understanding of Mass Media

To understand the concept of New Media and Media Convergence and its implications


Current Affairs

To provide learners with overview on current developments in various fields.

To generate interest among the learners about burning issues covered in the media

To equip them with basic understanding of politics, economics, environment and technology so that students can grasp the relevance of related news.

Twenty minutes of newspaper reading and discussion in mandatory in every lecture







Visual Communication

To provide students with tools that would help them visualize and communication

Understanding visual communication as part of Mass Communication

To acquire basic knowledge to be able to carry out a project in the field of visual communication

To acquire basic knowledge in theories and languages of visual communication

The ability to understand and analyze visual communication from a critical perspective


Foundation Course I

To introduce students to the overview of the Indian Society

To help them understand the constitution of India

To acquaint them with the socio-political problems of India




Semester III




























Corporate Communication & Public Relations

To provide the students with basic understanding of the concepts of corporate communication and public relations

Introduce the various elements of corporate communication and consider their roles in managing media organizations

To examine how various elements of corporate communication must be coordinated to communicate effectively in today’s competitive world

To develop critical understanding of the different practices associated with corporate communication with the latest trends and social media tools



Theatre & Mass Communication I

Individual and team understanding on theatrical Arts

Taking ownership of space, time, story-telling, characterization and kinesthetic

Shaping young students’ minds through expression of their perception, creating awareness of their role and place in society, their responsibilities and possibilities






Introduction to photography

To introduce to media learner the ability of image into effective communication

To help the learner understand that media photography is a language of visual communication and is far beyond just point and shoot fun moments

To practice how picture speaks thousand words by enlightening the learner on how

To develop the base of visualization among learners in using pictures in practical projects

To help learner work on given theme or the subject into making a relevant picture or photo feature



Film Communication I

To inculcate liking and understanding of good cinema

To make students aware with a brief history of movies; the major cinema movements

Understanding the power of visuals and sound and the ability to make use of them in effective communication.

Insight into film techniques and aesthetics



Media Studies

To provide an understanding of media theories

To understand the relationship of media with culture and society

To understand Media Studies in the context of trends in Global Media





Computer Multimedia I

To help learners make media industry ready. This will help learners to be aware of the minimum requirement of the software when stepping out in the industry

To introduce the media software’s to make the learners understand what goes behind the scene and help them choose their stream

To prepare learners skilled enough for independency during project papers in TY Semester VI

To help learners work on small scale projects during the academic period




Semester V












To familiarize the students with the concept of copywriting as selling through writing

To learn the process of creating original, strategic, compelling copy for various mediums

To train students to generate, develop and express ideas effectively

To learn the rudimentary techniques of advertising headline and body copywriting, the economy of words and thought peculiar to this type of writing, and the necessity of creative thinking in written expression.

In an ad agency, as a copywriter, one cannot “Just be creative and express self” – here one is in a ‘creative professional’, and have to be able to use the power of creativity for a commercial/business reason – as someone is paying you to get a problem solved, using your creativity.

There are two basic disciplines through which we make our communication – verbal/written and visual, and both need different skills-sets to master them. The structure of the syllabus is designed to hone the necessary skills required for these two diverse disciplines.

Advertising & Marketing Research

The course is designed to inculcate the analytical abilities and research skills among

the students.

To understand research methodologies – Qualitative Vs Quantitative

To discuss the foundations of Research and audience analysis that is imperative to

successful advertising.

To understand the scope and techniques of Advertising and Marketing research, and

their utility.



Brand Building

To understand the awareness and growing importance of Brand Building

To know how to build, sustain and grow brands

To know the various new way of building brands

To know about the global perspective of brand building.

Agency Management

To acquaint the students with concepts, techniques and give experience in the application of c oncepts for developing an effective advertising campaign.

How an ad agency works and what opportunities exist

To familiarize students with the different aspects of running an ad agency

To inculcate competencies thereby enabling to undertake professional work with advertising industry.

Social Media Marketing

Students learn real-world skills from leading designers, artists, and entrepreneurs.

The primary goal is to create problem solvers who strike a balance between traditional art and technology, and between individual vision and teamwork.

With a fundamental understanding of digital tools and their creative applications, graduates meet the demands of a diverse and expanding job market in visual story telling.  

Identify and apply strategies to improve and succeed no matter what their initial skills.

Solve problems and learn from creative risks by using people skills, design principles, and processes.

Build a strong foundation in all aspects of design and production for storytelling in motion.

Use inspiration in fields outside of digital media such as poetry, science, music, astronomy, history, dance, and more.

Develop a professional commitment to their field, their work, and themselves; preparing them to be members and leaders in their profession, as well as learning how to act both as individuals and as team members to support the whole.

Consumer Behaviour

To understand the sociological & psychological perspective of consumer behaviour.

To introduce students to the complexities of consumer behaviour, its importance in marketing & advertising.

To sensitize students to the changing trends in consumer behaviour.




Semester V












To enable students to become Reporters which is supposed to be a prerequisite while entering into the field of Journalism.

To make them understand basic ethos of the news and news-gathering.

To prepare them to write or present the copy in the format of news

To develop nose for news.

To train them to acquire the skills of news-gathering with traditional as well as modern tools.

To inculcate the skills for investigative journalism

To make them understand the basic structure/ essential knowledge for various beats.

To make them responsible reporters and the face of media.

Investigative Journalism


Understand the role of investigative reporting in modern journalism .

To learn to conduct investigative research in an ethical manner.

To create and write excellent investigative stories for media.

To acquire advanced investigative journalistic skills

Learner will acquire the ability to understand and analyse the key areas of investigative journalism even with limited resources.



Features and Writing For Social Justices

To provide students with technique of narration and storytelling.

To share the art of developing a story idea

To acquaint and sensitize them through assignments to the issues of deprivation around us and using writing as a tool for social justice

Writing And Editing Skills

To provide learners with tools and techniques of editing and writing.

To acquaint learners with the art of narration and storytelling strictly within the contours of journalistic principles.

Mobile Journalism


This course was arranged as a preparation program for Media Students, having an enthusiasm for finding out about the nuts and bolts of versatile news-casting. You needn’t bother with any past involvement with the ideas, apparatuses or assets of portable news coverage. Towards the end of the course, you will leave away with information about:

Global adoption of mobile and its versatility has influenced and changed journalism in New Age Media. M-Learning, in the Era of New Media is the most effective method to get ready for the eventual fate of the media and life in a portable first world.

Step by step instructions to report and connect with crowds utilizing cell phones .

Step by step instructions to utilize the accepted procedures for ease of use and item plan when constructing your portable encounters in Journalism .  

The most effective method to settle on educated choices about structure portable news items crosswise over stages. The most effective method to get ready for the eventual fate of wearable’s different patterns that may change the course of portable media and news-casting.

Journalism and Public Opinion


To understand the role of media in influencing and impacting Public opinion.

To analyse the formation of Public opinion through digital and social media .

To analyse the impact of the media on public opinion on socio-economic issues .

To make students aware of theoretical framework of research on media and society .

Course Highlights

  • Undergraduate Mass Media Courses.
  • Focuses on Communication, Public Relation, Journalism & Advertising.
  • A Platform to learn all creative things in the world of Media and Communication.
  • Art of learning Photography, Understanding Cinema & Creative Writing in English.
  • Beyond Syllabus and Class Room Teaching , regular Seminars, Workshops, Group Discussions , Field Visit, Industrial Visit , Power Point Presentation , Documentary & Short Film Making , Script Writing , Screen Play Writing and Media Studies is conducted.

Employement Roles

Creative Writer , Content Writer, Creative Director , Corporate Communications Manager, Content Manager, PR Manager, Senior Executive, Technical Writer, Digital Marketing Manager, Marketing Manager, Copy Writer , Media House Manager, Documentary Film maker , Short Film Maker, Sound Engineer , Script Writer , Screen Play Writer , Journalist , Advertising Expert , Reporter , Editor , Publisher etc.

Placement Opportunities

 Media House, Television , Radio, Films, Channels, Advertising Companies, News Agencies, Theatre, Cinema, Publishing Houses , Tours & Travels etc.